The working season has started, and if you want to get in shape quickly - here is our suggestion
It's time to be active, have energy and look great for all the commitments that await us during the work season. If you let the summer come to an end and now you want to get in shape quickly, you can try the regime with yogurt and nuts. It is based on the significant amount of protein you will consume during the diet period and promises excellent results.
Try a nut and yogurt diet for super results
How to start? You can incorporate nuts and yogurt into your daily regimen, implementing them in the best way for you. Do not go to extremes at first - a strict diet should be replaced by a moderate regime, including whole grains, fresh vegetables and fruits, yogurt and nuts, such as walnuts, almonds and hazelnuts. Why is it useful? In his book The Superfood Diet, Stephen Pratt lists yogurt, nuts, and fruit among 14 healthy foods to include in your diet. Yogurt contains live bacteria that are great for the gastrointestinal tract, improve peristalsis and reduce bad cholesterol. Walnuts are great for the brain and heart, and they also contain more Omega 3 than other nuts. Fruits give us vitamins and fiber, which are necessary for the functioning of the whole organism.   What should I eat? The sample menu of this regime contains 200 g of low-fat yogurt, fruit and walnuts for breakfast. Lunch is a salad garnished with oranges and walnuts, plus 120 g of yogurt, and dinner includes baked fish or steamed salmon with stewed vegetables and a slice of your favorite fruit. Between meals you can indulge in a handful of raw nuts or a small bowl of yogurt.   Enjoy your meal and we look forward to sharing your results!