Elit Foods Logo

Terms of use

General conditions for use of the website of "Elit-P" EOOD

These General Terms and Conditions govern the relationship between "Elit-P" EOOD on the one hand, referred to below "Operator", and Website Visitors https://elitfoods.com on the other hand, referred to below "Visitors".

The User, using this Website, undertakes to comply with these General Terms and Conditions. In case of disagreement with General Terms and Conditions The Visitor is obliged to immediately stop using the Website. The operator does not carry liability if the user has not familiarized himself with these terms and conditions.

If the Visitor has any questions regarding the use of the Website and the services provided through it, he can contact the Operator through the contacts indicated on the Website.


Art. 1. When applying and interpreting these General conditions the terms used and

expressions shall have the following meaning:

1.1. Website / Internet site (“website”) is a set of web pages, which are used through their unified address (URL) under the HTTP, HTTPS or other standardized protocol and containing files, programs, text, sound, picture, image or other materials and resources.

1.2. https://elitfoods.com/ is a website - virtual an information resource on the Internet, owned by "Elit-P" EOOD, which enables Visitors to get to know and consider the services and products subject to these General Terms and Conditions.

1.3. A visitor is any person who visits the website and uses the information provided through the Website https://elitfoods.com/.

1.4. The operator of this website is "Elit-P" EOOD.

Information about the Operator

Art. 2. The operator provides the information, goods and services subject to these General Terms and Conditions, through the Website administered by him https://elitfoods.com/.

2.1. The operator has its seat and management address in the city of Plovdiv, Dilyanka Street 2A

2.2. The operator is registered in the Commercial Register with the EIC 115810744
2.3. The operator exercises its production activity from Sliven, Keramika St. 2

2.4. The telephone number for contacting the Operator is 0700 42222.
2.5. E-mail address of the Operator is office@elit-p.com.

Agreement with the General Terms and Conditions
Art. 3. When visiting the website and the use of any of its features,

each Visitor is deemed to have agreed to these General Terms and Conditions.

Provided services
Art. 4. The operator provides to The visitor access to published information,

products and services on the Website.

4.1. The products and services provided by the Operator are available in the "Products" menu on the Website.

4.2. The visitor has the opportunity to request receipt of an individual offer on the products and services provided by the Operator through the contacts provided on the Website.

Intellectual Property

Art. 5. The intellectual property rights in all materials and resources located on the Operators website (including available databases) are subject to protection under The copyright law and related rights belong to the Operator or the person designated accordingly, transferred the right of use to the Operator, and may not be used in violation of the current legislation.
5.1. When copying or reproducing information outside of what is permissible, as well as in any other infringement of intellectual property rights on the Operators resources, the Operator has the right to claim compensation for direct and indirect damages in full.
5.2. Except in cases where it is expressly agreed, the User may not reproduce, modify, delete, publish, distribute and publicize otherwise, the information resources published on the Operators Website.

Personal Data

Art. 6. (1) The operator has the right to collect and use personal data of website visitors only in accordance with its Privacy Policy, published here (2)

Art. 7. The operator takes due care and is responsible for protecting the the information about the Visitor, which became known to him on the occasion of using the services - subject to these General Terms conditions, except in cases of force majeure, fortuitous event or bad faith conduct of third parties persons.

Art. 8. The operator collects and uses the information under the previous points for the purposes provided for in these General Terms and Conditions, as well as for offering new services to Visitors (free or paid). The operator can share the specified data with its partners - lawyers and third parties, when this is necessary for the performance of a contract with the User or in compliance with the requirements of the law.

Rights and obligations of the user

Art. 9. The visitor has the right to:

9.1. To use this Website and the information and materials, contained therein, only for purposes permitted by law, without prejudice to the rights and legitimate interests of The operator and third parties.

9.2. To view, store, copy and print the materials from this Website solely for personal use in order to be informed about the services offered by the Operator and/or to places orders or requests quotations regarding services on the Website.

Visitor Rights

Art. 10. The visitor is not entitled to:

10.1. To copy, reproduce, publish, send, sell, create secondary materials based on the content on the Website, use for commercial purposes or distribute in any other way the elements of the content of this Website, without prior written permission from "Elit-P" EOOD.

10.2. To use the Website or its content in violation of the law and good manners.

10.3. To use any software or devices to access and mass copying/downloading of the content on the site.

Art. 11. The user undertakes to use The website:
11.1. To comply with Bulgarian legislation, the applicable foreign laws, the present

General Terms, Internet Ethics and Good Manners;

11.2. To immediately notify the Operator of any case of committed or detected violation when using the Website and the services provided.


Art. 12. The operator does not carry liability:
12.1. For non-provision of services in the event of circumstances beyond his control - cases of force majeure, random events, problems in the global network Internet and other similar circumstances.

12.2. For any disruptions or technical problems preventing the use of the services caused as a result of the way of exploitation of the technical devices of the user.

12.3. For any damage caused to the Visitor when using the provided service damages, unless they are caused intentionally by the Operator.

12.4. For the Visitors use of other websites to which forwards the Operators Website.

Art. 13. By accepting these Terms of Use, the Visitor declares that he is aware of the possibility of possible interruptions and other types of difficulties in the implementation of its Internet connection with the Website, which may arise regardless of the care taken by The operator. The visitor declares that he will not claim any compensation from the Operator for lost profits, suffered damages or inconveniences due to the occurrence of the interruptions mentioned above or difficulties with the Internet connection, including regarding the capacity of this connection.

Art. 14. The Visitor is responsible to the Operator when the actions or his inactions caused him harm. Compensation is due both for damages caused and for omissions benefits.

Additional Provisions

Art. 15. Except in the cases provided for in these General Terms and Conditions and the law, the contract between the parties is also terminated upon suspension of the Operators activity or termination the maintenance of its Website, in which case each party shall fulfill the obligations to date obligations.

Art. 16. The parties declare that if some of the clauses under these General conditions prove to be invalid, this will not invalidate the entire contract or any of its parts. The invalid clause will be replaced by the mandatory norms of the law or established practice.